See the video.
Apparently Kanye was a little irritable after his flight (so far, so human), however, upon arriving at LAX International Airport, the paparazzi were a bit too eager for his liking. Not that it really mattered what they filmed, after all the goon was wearing a grey hoodie over his face, and the most exciting thing he was doing was WALKING. Really big news story there Kanye, I'm sure the world's press can't WAIT to see how you look after a long haul flight. Quick, let me call up CNN, this shit is gonna be HUGE.
Yeah right.
No, instead of doing the wise thing and waving the pap off with a few cheesy grins before getting into his chauffeur driven limo home, Kanye decided it would be smarter to attack a couple of the photographers, destroy their equipment and threaten them. And then when these guys called out for the police or security they were mocked by Kanye, proudly shouting out 'Ain't no police man!'
Ah. Error. Considering the DATE he chose to do this, the fool should have realised that actually there ARE police at airports these days...lots of them.
Well they quickly arrested Kanye and his 'bodyguard', who are presently chilling in a Los Angeles jail cell pending a $20,000 bail. Smooth.
Whilst I really dislike the man, I do sympathise a little bit for his cause. We all see how the paparazzi hound anyone who might be considered news (brainless people filming brainless people so more brainless people can read about them), and doubtless occasionally it must be very frustrating. But that is the price of celebrity. This is how it works. You can't just go about attacking people because you dont like what they're doing. Besides, by lashing out, Kanye ensured they had something that got them paid. Ignore them and they get nothing.

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