Thursday, 19 March 2009

Regret - Insight That Comes A Day Too Late.

So I woke up this morning to find out that, after a few days of umm-ing and err-ing about the matter, Tourism Queensland have finally decided to remove Julia Yalovitsyna from the shortlisting for the Dream Job.

Sucks for her.

On the one side, I really do feel sorry for her. Ok, so she's made some errors in her past - granted large ones - but what she did then doesn't affect her position now. Ironically, her time in the adult film business quite possibly improved the media skills she used to make the shortlist! Here she had a chance to break away from that past, and make a living in a respectable job - one that would certainly have helped her in the future!


This is a job, and any employee will be representing the company employing them. Tourism Queensland cannot have someone with a past like that - because let's be honest, at LEAST a quarter of the people reading this blog will have already googled her name in the hope of finding proof of her 'previous employment'. What sort of a message would that send out for Queensland? Answer - A bad one.

So sorry Julia - you made your own bed in this one.

However, it does highlight a good point...

No matter what you do with your life, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING can potentially come back to haunt you have to think through any action you choose to make.

Three weeks ago I was just a normal student - Shopping trolley racing, excessive double vodka jaegerbombs, vandalising property after a night out...all standard for university students - could have been attempted. I never did any of them, but was often around those who did. What if I had chosen to join in, and been caught or recorded doing it? Would I now be in the same boat as Julia? Would I have even made the shortlist?

Almost all employers have clauses in their employee contracts allowing them to dismiss employees for poor conduct. They have done for ages - it's nothing new, and it's nothing surprising. If you act like an idiot at any point you represent your employer, then you can expect to get kicked out!

The reason it matters more now than ever is the rise of the social network - take 2 minutes right now to google your name and see what you can find on your profiles.

Go on, I dare you.

'til next time

Monday, 16 March 2009

Welcome Back

Sup guys!

Yes, I know.

I suck.

Having got this new blog off to such a good start I disappeared off into the blue yonder for months on end, giving no sign of any possible return! The truth is, whilst I love blogging (and writing about life in general), my life had to come first, and the last 6 months have comfortably been some of the busiest of my life!

Last semester was handed over entirely to work - I honest to god spent 3 months straight working from 8am to 2am every day. It sucked. BUT I got my average up to a comfortable 1st class that was a win!

Xmas hols were a write off - After skiing for half the time I had to spend the other half keeping a certain young lady entertained by driving across the country to visit castles (Warwick & Hampton Court), shows (Billy Elliot & Bill Bailey), restaurants (Hard Rock & others) and of course shops (HAMLEYS & a really cool store on Regent St called Desigual - check them out here). It was an awesome holiday, but clearly blogging had to take a back seat!

This year kicked off much like the last - hard work as usual - but has been thrown upside down by what started out as little more than an amusing side-project for me!

For those of you who are still unaware - despite my hard-fighting mission to let the entire world know - I am one of the final 50 applicants for what is (by all means and purposes) The Best Job In The World!

I can't really elaborate more just this second - I have to get back home, get changed and head into London for an afternoon underneath Big Ben dressed in some unusual clothing! If anyone is bored and in the city come along it should be a laugh and I could do with the support team!

Ironically my life is now busier than ever and I will now be blogging consistently because of that. Who knew?

Back in a while.